深まる謎・金鹿の学級 The Mystery Deepens (Golden Deer)
(大広間 昼)
Reception Hall | Daytime
クロード: やあ、先生!今回は、本当に大変だったな!
Claude: Hey, Teach. That assignment wasn't my favorite, I've got to admit.
I suppose pretending to be unaffected doesn't do anyone any good. That was terrible to behold. It's always hard to see innocents die.
Choice 1: そうだ It is.
Choice 2: 力不足だった I wasn't strong enough.
クロード: それでも前を向いて、笑えよ、先生。それが上に立つ者の役目だ。
Claude: Hey, all you can do is keep smiling. Keep marching. That's part of a leader's job. You can't give in to despair.
Not just for me or for you, but for all of us in the Golden Deer House. We have to keep smiling so the others can move forward too.
As long as we don't show that we're disheartened, they'll know they can make it too. That's what matters.
クロード: 悪いな、先生。頼んだぜ。
Claude: Sorry for getting ahead of myself, Teach. That's how I feel, but how you handle it is really up to you.
By the way... I hear that guy who calls himself the Flame Emperor showed up in Remire Village.
I couldn't believe it when Hilda told me the news. What could he be after?
Choice 1: 英雄の遺産 The Heroes' Relics.
クロード: それはどうだろうな。確かに、聖廟では奴らは天帝の剣を狙ってきた。
Claude: Maybe. After all, he was after the Sword of the Creator in the Holy Mausoleum...
But then they kidnapped Flayn and used her blood for their recent attack.
Based on that, we should probably assume that their true objective is something other than the Relics. Don't you think?
Choice A: それもそうだ You have a point.
Choice B: フレンの血はいったい……? What do they want with Flayn's blood?
クロード: 奴らは今回の行動を「実験」と呼んでた。そしてその成果が十分だったとも。
Claude: They called this incident "an experiment." And they said they got what they came for.
That means they might take this success and attempt something even bigger next time.
Sadly, that's all we can assume. There are far too many things we still don't know.
Choice 2: 世界征服 World domination. (Claude ⤴)
クロード: ははは、冗談きついぞ、先生!世界征服だって?
Claude: Ha! I know I just laughed, but that really isn't funny, Teach. World domination... Hm.
OK, actually... I wonder.
They called this incident "an experiment." And they said they got what they came for.
That means they might take this success and attempt something even bigger next time.
I hate to even consider it, but if they can replicate the incident at Remire Village on an even larger scale...
If we're not careful, we'll have a full-scale war on our hands. Then world domination wouldn't be a joke anymore.
Choice 3: わからない I don't know. (Claude ⤵)
クロード: そうだな。はっきり言って、わからないことが多すぎる。
Claude: I was afraid you'd say that. Frankly, there's way too much that we still don't know.
They called this incident "an experiment." And they said they got what they came for.
That means they might take this success and attempt something even bigger next time.
Sadly, that's all we can assume.
クロード: フレン! ちょうどいいところに……姫、少し俺たちにお付き合いいただけますか?
Claude: Flayn! Your timing is impeccable. Would you care to join us for a while, fair lady?
フレン: な、何ですの、いったい……?あーれー……
Flayn: Wha―? Why?! Oh my!
クロード: チッ……上手くかわされたか……。
Claude: Damn. She gave us the slip.
In any case, I doubt she knows the full story. It seems more like she has something on her mind that she can't divulge.
Choice 1: 強引だ You're pushing too hard.
Choice 2: 次はもう少し厳しくいこう We can't go easy on her.
クロード: おいおい……。
Claude: Whoa, there. Settle yourself, Teach.
クロード: やはりセテスさんを詰問すべきか……あるいはその上、レアさんか……。
Claude: Seems like it would be better to push Seteth for an explanation. Or, best of all, to go above his head and ask Rhea...
Now that we know Tomas was an enemy, we can't be sure that exposing the church's secrets would be to our benefit.
Where are the answers I seek? Where are they...